Friday, September 22, 2006


i would just like to say that i officially paid off my ex-fiance's debt. it is total and complete bullshit and once again he is getting off the hook and completely avoiding responsibility for his own fuck up.
i didn't even know i was on this credit account of his, he stopped paying it, and my credit got ruined. completely. so i paid off the debt so that we wouldn't get sued and now i'm fucking pissed. he is SO lucky that Fort Collins CO is in the middle of no fucking where because if not, i'd already be on my way to personally beat his ass.

i can't help wondering what i paid for exactly.
knowing his past spending record, probably:
1. ammo
2. krylon
3. booze
4. booze
5. cds. NOT FAIR. I can't even afford to buy music for myself.
6. gas, food, dog food (i hope)
7. booze. i can't stress that one enough.

ugh, i have to end this post before i get PISSED.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Oooh, ohh! Don't forget that nasty "chew" shit he used to spit into cups and coke bottles. I had to ask him to leave my office a coupla mornings cuz a) an applicant was coming in to spend $63G to go to our illustrious school and they did not need to see, well, "him" in all his belching, farting, spitting glory and b) i thought i might have to throw up.

Crikeys girl, how did you do it? Sorry bout the money but someday soon you'll be a rich-mother-fuckin-fashionista and all you'll feel for him is pity.

9/22/2006 2:23 PM  
Blogger dee goldie said...

Holy fuck, lee, how could I forget that!?!

my revised list is:
1. copenhagen
2. copenhagen
3. copenhagen
4. booze, krylon, ammo, cd's, booze and dog food. i bet he ate at work, so food gets taken off the official list of shit i paid for.

and my mom, bless her heart, helped me pay for it. I'm going to pay her back monthly. (and then if he doesn't pay ME back, there will be lawyers.)

9/22/2006 2:50 PM  
Blogger dee goldie said...

you are right. lawyers won't work. but blackmail his parents know about their grandkid(s) yet...?

9/22/2006 9:23 PM  

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