Tuesday, September 04, 2007

and on the topic of ghetto fabulous...

i don't have champagne, and i don't have any money. but i do have white wine and club soda...

watch out, ya'll, it's about to get mad classy up in this piece.


Blogger slackjaw said...

sounds tasty!

btw, yesterdays story was effin hilarious. holy shit i lol'd

9/05/2007 9:54 AM  
Blogger Wendy said...

hahahah! pair the club and WW with Hamburger Helper... A dinner party!

9/05/2007 10:34 AM  
Blogger dee goldie said...

oh man, hamburger helper. what's that like without the hamburger? is it good? because clearly hamburger doesn't fit in the budget.

seriously though, i'll get through this and be all the more thankful for everything. thanks for your support, it really does help. =)

9/05/2007 10:26 PM  
Blogger slackjaw said...

exactly right. You gotta be able to laugh at the crazy shit that happens. Stories like that are the kinda stuff you'll continue to tell for years to come.

9/06/2007 8:48 AM  

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