Sunday, June 15, 2008

i just finished the longest graphic design project in the world. i wish i could show all three of you what i've been working on, but that info is proprietary and shit.

we decided to go to the new york aquarium for a little break from the computer. i was starting to get computer claw and hadn't seen the sun in a few weeks.

no, my sunglasses could not be bigger, thanks for asking.

the aquarium was really sad. all the fish seemed depressed, which is i guess what happens when you live on coney island. coney island is the lowest common denominator of new york. the percentage of pregnant teenagers, ancient couples pushing each other in wheel chairs, and fat people in tube tops is way out of control.

i didn't know that walruses were the size of minivans, but they are. this was a little one, i tried to take a picture of the big man walrus, but this family of derelicts wouldn't leave it alone and i didn't want them in the picture. i took a pic on the fake walrus instead. blubber beach, ya'll.

i always feel crazy when the jellyfish get tangled. i want to straighten that shit out, it seriously makes me insane. OCD much, dee?

the octopus had The Sadness, too. i think it knew it was destined to die in an algae covered cage on coney island. most aquariums are kind of scummy, obviously, but the nyc aquairium takes it to the next level. i wanted to scour the whole thing with bleach. either that or just fire bomb the entire area and start over.

wow, how hot can you make a 90 degree day on the beach?

i have never been so happy to get back on manhattan island in my entire life. the sad, faded desperation of coney island is pretty intense and you can only kill it with tequila and hot sauce.


Blogger Highwaisted said...

that looks like such a lovely date. i dont even know if toronto has some sort of aquarium. to google now...

6/16/2008 9:22 AM  
Blogger dee goldie said...

it really was an awesome day even with the Coney Island Despair.

hopefully toronto has a less depressing version!

6/16/2008 11:20 AM  

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