Tuesday, December 11, 2007

rice hose

i used to do this thing called working out. i'm too...what's that word where you can't pay attention and focus...distracted! to work out now.

my chihuahua has arthritis. i took him to the vet last week and she put him on 15 mg of tramadol once or twice a day. which is hilarious because i'm also on tramadol (as needed) and never more than 50mg at a time. i guess dogs have mad high tolerance for painkillers. i guess it wouldn't be cost effective to be a junky if you are a dog. i guess i've spent too much time working today or else i wouldn't have just written this entire retarded paragraph. anyway, i sewed him a velour rice bag that can go in the microwave because that helped my gramma when she had arthritis. it smells nice when it gets heated.

the other night we went to milon, also known as the most hilarious place in the world. it's kind of like eating indian food inside a christmas tree or a rave. after that we got drunk. after that we found a cab and nicole flung open the door and yelled "time to get the fuck out! " which is even more hilarious than having indian food in a christmas tree. the people in the cab weren't happy about it and a guy called us a bunch of names that i can't remember but included bitch, cunt, etc. then there was almost a fight,
obviously, because you can't call girls names when there are protective men around, fuck you. and besides, nicole was right. it was time to get out.

then we came back to the apartment and the doberman had eaten the entire rice bag. 4 pounds of raw rice. 4 pounds of raw rice looks pretty similar to a hose shooting out ricewater when it gets explosively shit out of a doberman for the next 48 hours. just so you know.



p.s. i love you too


Blogger hotdog water said...

When I was a littlun, my german shorthaired pointer ate a similar amount of raw rice and he had to get his stomach pumped because it expanded and ended up being like 30lbs of rice in his darling little stomach.

Watch for severe bloating!

12/12/2007 10:05 PM  
Blogger dee goldie said...

luckily, everything was hosed out before the bloating had a chance to happen.

we used to have a lawn on part of the fourth floor roof, but now we have a rice paddy.

12/13/2007 11:53 AM  

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