Monday, August 06, 2007

dear left side shift key,

why do you have to be broken? you didn't like the champagne i shared with you? i can't believe i wasted that 1/4 of a glass on your common ass. i'm trying to make it work with the right handed shift key, but we don't really have anything in common and it makes question marks really awkward. i'd love it if you'd start working again, i'm nothing without you.

i'll be waiting,



Blogger Valency said...

Dear Dee - I'm glad you are blogging again. It is enjoyably funny when you personify objects and write letters to things...

I'm gonna request that you write a 'Dear' post to your dog. Please.

8/08/2007 9:18 PM  
Blogger dee goldie said...

oh my god i wouldn't know where to start with him. can you write a letter to a rainbow? can you personify a unicorn? no. and anyway, we spend so much time just gazing silently into each other's eyes that words don't even mean anything to us.

8/10/2007 6:16 PM  

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