Tuesday, January 02, 2007


1. learn spanich. Yeah, that's right, spanish with a "c". it's the good shit.

2. do more art. i won't be afraid.

3. get health insurance. it's fucked up that i have to make that a resolution and i can't rely on my tax dollars to provide health care for me. can't we just make about 100 less gazillion-dollar missiles or Apaches or whatever and help out those who can't afford insurance? Come on, america.
4. volunteer more. which means at all.

5. conquer the man arms. one Man Arm can be clearly seen in the above picture where i look fairly hot until you see the giant man arm taking over the left side of the photograph. Man Arm, you are going down, son!

6. visit everyone i love and miss in DC. (or "too close" to DC, in lee's case!)

7. Save more money. (you have to make a resolution that you know you won't keep, right? well, this one is mine.)

8. TRAVEL! if i keep resolution #7, i will be able to make #8 happen, so i guess i'm not breaking that one after all.

There are more to come, i'm just not sure what they are yet. also, not included in this list are the Obligatory Resolutions 1. Work out every day and 2. Drink less. (unless it's champagne. I would never resolve to drink less champagne.)


Blogger Lee said...

Yes! Yes! Do number 6! Do number 6!

Happy New Year Dee. Hope all is well. And you look fab as usual.

P.S. I gotta get health insurance too. I heard that Starbucks will give full coverage insurance for only 15 hours of work a week. Somethin about the owners mom never having it when he was growin up cuz she couldn't raise him and work full time. I'm seriously considering it.

1/03/2007 8:22 AM  
Blogger dee goldie said...

thanks, baby!
does Starbucks offer mental health insurance? because i would need it if i worked there for 15 hours a week!
and i am very serious about #6. i should have made it resolution #1.
I am coming to dc, so get ready.

1/03/2007 4:33 PM  
Blogger Valency said...

I want to put your doggie in my mouth and chew on it...

I gotta lotta similar resolutions... in fact, my 'Spanich' class starts on Monday... I wonder if my 4 years of high school French will help me out...

1/03/2007 5:33 PM  
Blogger dee goldie said...

i know, my chihuahua is retardedly cute. but don't let him hear you say that because inside he's a hard ass gangsta.

1/10/2007 7:08 AM  
Blogger Gary W. Longsine said...

Man Arms? WTF? You have sexy muscular arms which reflect the rest of your sexy feminine curves. More women should have arms like yours.

Attempts to allow your arms to atrophy will not be entertained.

You will need to replace this resolution. May I suggest you adopt the following to replace it:

"Use my sexy muscular arms to raise my middle finger and soundly flip the fuck off to the next punk ass mofo who calls my arms 'Man Arms'."

P.S. Your blog cracks me up. I recently used my magical powers to help your Mom find your blog. If there was a hell, you'll find me hanging out in some ring or another for a few eons for that I'm sure. Fortunately, hell is a hoax!

1/21/2007 4:01 PM  
Blogger dee goldie said...

so YOU're the one who lead my mother into the depths of my psyche. thanks a lot, buddy. =)

1/24/2007 5:43 PM  

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