Sunday, August 06, 2006

muthafuckkin kitlers, bitch!

KITLERS! also check out the "we hate kitlers" part of the site, people take this so seriously and get so angry and are like "how can you compare poor innocent cats to a nazi, that's so mean to the cats." There's one girl who says:

I feel for the first time in my life that I have no sense of humour: no cat deserves any connection with Hitler. (am not Jewish, but would quite like to be, but I do really like cats)

- Alison

she's jus scrambling to make sure that everything she says it totally pc, i'm not jewish but i don't hate jews i mean i love jews but i'm not one, but i wish i was and i like she sounds retarded taking it so seriusly. it's a fucking site with cats that look like hitler, it's funny that they are called kitlers, and this is in no way commending the nazis. get over it. it's just funny that some cats look like hitler.


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